Category: coding
Space Editor 0.8.6
Space Editor 0.8.5
Space Editor Open Sourced
Space Editor 0.8.2 released
Another day another release…. I noticed this morning that I’m not handling the player character very well. If you’re piloting a ship when you save, then load that save into SpaceEditor, then save… it loses the player character, and corrupts the save. Not very useful. So, my longterm goal (ie: in the next day or […]
SpaceEditor Released
(I’ve since released a newer version of this software, which you can find here) Just a quick post about a project I’ve been working on over the weekend: SpaceEditor. This is a basic savegame editor for the really rather excellent ‘Space Engineers’ (which you can find on steam here: The game itself is a […]
Category based shipping in magento
One of the things that’s always annoyed me about Magento is the dearth of decent, free shipping modules available for the system. Out of the box you can do a reasonable amount with regards shipping, setting a flat rate or using one of the built in shipping methods…but if you want to do anything fancy […]
DIY security keypad
New project: Node.js application framework
So I decided to learn a new language / architecture last weekend and since Node.js has been getting a lot of attention lately I thought I might as well go with that. I’ve put maybe 6 hours into it so far, and you can see the fruits of my labour over at github: I don’t […]
Accessing RPC/Encoded Web services in Servicemix / Fuse ESB
If there’s one issue I’ve found with ServiceMix, it’s that it tends to enthusiastically embrace a certain way of doing things while letting other methods fall to the wayside. A prominent example of this is when constructing code to access web services. By default, Servicemix uses Apache CXF as its web service layer. CXF is […]