Stuff & Nonsense

Possible jNag resurrection

Possible jNag resurrection

So, jNag was recently listed by ‘Computerworlduk’ as one of the top 16 mobile applications for IT professionals: And this has given me some motivation to restart development…. I need some sort of project to work on since giving up facebook (I deactivated my account last week in the hope of spurring some productivity) […]

Magento: Extending the API (v2)

Magento: Extending the API (v2)

Update:  I’ve fixed a couple of issues with the code in this post, based on the comments in this post on the magento forums. One of the nice features of Magento is the extensive SOAP api it provides for integrating magento with your own or third party applications.  However, when it comes to extending that API […]

Settings in WordPress plugins

Settings in WordPress plugins

I’ve rewritten my facebook helper for wordpress to make it a bit cleaner and as an example use case for the jQuery facebook helper I wrote last week.  I’ve also delved into the wordpress code a little more and added an option to set the facebook app_id from the wordpress admin page rather than having […]

jNag 0.78 released

jNag 0.78 released

This release includes the ‘schedule reCheck’ functionality, as well as myriad bug fixes / changes including: a rather nasty bug that occured when first entering settings changes in the way problems are handled better error messages dialogs now close when hitting ‘commit’ Hit the jump for a screenshot and the download link

jNag: schedule recheck

jNag: schedule recheck

I finally got round to adding the ‘schedule recheck’ functionality for hosts and services which has been on the ‘roadmap’ for a couple of weeks.  This means you can now fix a problem and then immediately schedule a recheck to make the flashing ‘problem’ indicator go away.  hit the read more to see a screenshot: