Stuff & Nonsense

Mage Tools

Mage Tools

Quick plug for some magento scripts I wrote for development / deployments of Magento 1.x There’s some info in the readme, but I might write a couple of quick tutorials if anyone’s interested:

For the last couple of months I’ve been working on a platform to solve one of the problems I’ve seen repeated across numerous businesses in the ‘fast fashion’ ecommerce space.  The problem is how to update your homepage and site with the numerous promotions you’re running in a timely fashion without impacting site performance.  For […]

Magento: Image upload script

Magento: Image upload script

Hey all, been a long time since I posted anything since my job is keeping me pretty busy…. here’s something I implemented for that might come in useful for you. It’s a little script that basically scans a directory for images and, if it finds any, adds them to the relevant products. Images have […]

jNag server rewrite underway

jNag server rewrite underway

Just a quick not to mention that I’ve restarted work on jNag.  First order of business is to rewrite the server side code which, to be frank, is a quick and dirty job I hacked together just to get soemthing working at the time.  The rewrite will incorporate everything I’ve learned about development in the […]