Category: coding
ObNag: nagios plugin for Obsys building management system
For my day job I work for a specialist engineering company, tyrrell systems ltd who work in the field of intelligent building management systems. One of the systems we spend a lot of time with is Obsys, from North Building technologies. Basically this software allows wide ranging integration of building systems (air conditioning, intruder detection, […]
Oops! (I’m an idiot)
jNag 0.75 now available
Support forum coming soon & more news from the repo
Advertising in Apps
Latest features in git repository
jNag upcoming features (0.7.5)
jNag HTTPS support coming soon
The current version does not support HTTPS (although it’s easy enough to hack in). I’m releasing a fix for this later on this evening (when I get home from work in an hour or so) Thanks to Hubert de Heer for reporting this issue, and Christian Kreidl for reporting and independently fixing the problem as […]