Stuff & Nonsense

FUSE ESB Development Introduction

FUSE ESB Development Introduction

Today I’ve decided to move on from the magento stuff I’ve been posting recently, and start looking at working with FUSE ESB.  This is an enterprise service bus based on apaches servicemix platform. There’s a lot of new stuff here, the majority of the code for servicemix is written in Java and plugged together using […]

jNag for IOs binary

jNag for IOs binary

As promised last week I’ve uploaded the IOS binary for jNag, so you can deploy it to a local device.  I’ve no idea how you go about doing this, and no-one’s gifted me a free Macbook yet so I can’t test this in any way.  Hopefully this helps out if you want to get jNag […]

jNag IOS local provisioning

jNag IOS local provisioning

I’ve had a request that I make the IOS version of jNag available so that people can deploy it using a local provisioning server. I’m still trying to find the last build I did before losing access to my Mac platform, but once I dig it out of my backups I’ll upload it here. You […]

jNag removed from Apple App Store

jNag removed from Apple App Store

I’ve just been notified that jNag for iPhone / iPad has been removed from the App store due to my apple developer subscription expiring. Since I no longer have access to a Mac development environment, I didn’t see the point of paying to renew my subscription. Since there’s no fees to pay to keep apps […]

Magento: Extending the API (v2)

Magento: Extending the API (v2)

Update:  I’ve fixed a couple of issues with the code in this post, based on the comments in this post on the magento forums. One of the nice features of Magento is the extensive SOAP api it provides for integrating magento with your own or third party applications.  However, when it comes to extending that API […]

Magento: Round up currency conversions

Just a quick and dirty (no, not that kind of dirty) tutorial today. One of the websites I work on had the requirement to make its prices look ‘nicer’ when converted to another currency. Currently (little currency pun for you there) the prices look fine in the default currency, which is good old pound sterling […]