Stuff & Nonsense

Mage Tools

Mage Tools

Quick plug for some magento scripts I wrote for development / deployments of Magento 1.x There’s some info in the readme, but I might write a couple of quick tutorials if anyone’s interested:

Magento: Image upload script

Magento: Image upload script

Hey all, been a long time since I posted anything since my job is keeping me pretty busy…. here’s something I implemented for that might come in useful for you. It’s a little script that basically scans a directory for images and, if it finds any, adds them to the relevant products. Images have […]

Magento: config file mapping

Magento: config file mapping

Just had a moment of epiphany that I thought I’d share…I’m sure this is well known to most Magento developers, but I’ve not seen it clearly spelled out anywhere and it’s taken me a while to get my head round this. Have a look at this snippet of a config file for one of my […]