For my day job I work for a specialist engineering company, tyrrell systems ltd who work in the field of intelligent building management systems.
One of the systems we spend a lot of time with is Obsys, from North Building technologies. Basically this software allows wide ranging integration of building systems (air conditioning, intruder detection, lighting etc) and Tyrrell Systems add our own software and front ends to the system. We also produce a hardware platform (communicator) for running obsys and all our software.
Anyway, I was looking for a way to pull information from the Building management system into my nagios install, so I could keep an eye on various things (like outside air temperature for example) from jNag. There wasn’t a pre-existing plugin to do this, so I wrote one myself that gets called by Nsclient++ on the Obsys machine, reads a point from Obsys and returns the information to Nagios. Here’s jNag displaying some output from our building management system:
It’s written in c# and requires the Obsys active x control from North BT to work.
Repository here