Hey all, been a long time since I posted anything since my job is keeping me pretty busy…. here’s something I implemented for prettylittlething.com that might come in useful for you.
It’s a little script that basically scans a directory for images and, if it finds any, adds them to the relevant products.
Images have to be named as follows:
here’s the script. Drop it into your ‘shell’ directory and run it on a cronjob then just upload your images as and when required.
<?php $image_dir = "full/path/to/image/upload/directory/"; require('abstract.php'); //add images to array $search = "*-*.jpg"; $images = glob($image_dir.$search); natcasesort($images); $image_array = array(); foreach($images as $image){ $filename = strtoupper($image); $name = basename($filename); $dat = explode("-",$name); $sku = $dat[0]; $imagenum = explode(".",$dat[1]); $imagenum = $imagenum[0]; $image_array[$sku][$imagenum] = $image; } if (count($image_array >= 1)){ $output = ""; foreach ($image_array as $sku=>$images){ if (isset($images[1])){ $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku',$sku); if ($product){ $imgnum = 0; foreach($images as $image){ $imgnum++; $image_attributes = null; if ($imgnum == 1) $image_attributes = array('image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail'); $product->addImageToMediaGallery($image, $image_attributes, false, false); $output .= "$sku added ".basename($image)." to ".$product->getName()."\n"; } $product->save(); foreach($images as $image){ unlink($image); } } else { $output .= "******* ERROR: can't find product for ".$sku." ********** \n"; } } else { $output .= "******* ERROR: unable to locate image 1 for ".$sku." ********** \n"; } } if ($output != ""){ echo $ouput; //or you can email this somewhere } }