Stuff & Nonsense

jNag 0.5 pre-release

This release marks a major change in the codebase, and is pretty much a complete rewrite. jNag now works on a client / server model with a small plugin that sits on your Nagios install as the server and a pure HTML5 / javascript client talking to that server backend via JSON calls. The client can run on the same server as the um…server, or it can be somewhere else entirely (like running natively on your handset)

From a user perspective this means that things should be slightly quicker, and for future releases native apps connecting to the jNag backend will be a possibility. However, there’s slightly more setup involved.

Nagios (only tested on 3.2, may work perfectly well on other versions for all I know)

You’ll need to extract all the files into your nagios web root, then edit the configuration under jNag/server/config.php to reflect your setup. The configuration should be fairly self explanatory.

Once your server is configured, launch the client by going to /jNag/client in a browser. You should be prompted to enter a data url. This needs to be the url of /server/returndata.php. So, if you’ve installed jNag into ‘’ you need to set the data_url to ‘’

This is pre-release software! Whilst it works perfectly fine on my setup, I have no doubt it’s riddled with bugs at the moment!

I’m already working on showing pnp graphs in jNag for the next release, and some other goodies as well, this is just a taster of the new architecture and functionality.

[download id=”1″ format=”1″]

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