Stuff & Nonsense

jNag 0.4 released

jNag 0.4 is out now!

This release allows you to select the livestatus backend instead of statusjson if you like.

The problem list also now really auto refreshes! (in previous versions the count on the main page auto-refreshed, but once you went into the problems page itself you had to manually refresh)

I’ve also tidied up some code and moved things around to make the whole package a bit more coherent.

Demo here

Download here

2 thoughts on “jNag 0.4 released

  1. Very nice plugin. An enhancement I made was pass the web authentication for nagios onto jNag and to the GET queries. Resulting in a user seeing only the status of his/her hosts|services|hostgroups as he would in Nagios.
    $username = $_SERVER[‘PHP_AUTH_USER’]; //your nagios username
    $password = $_SERVER[‘PHP_AUTH_PW’]; //yournagios password

    $dat = run_query(“GET hostgroups nColumns: name membersnAuthUser: $usernamenOutputFormat: json nn”);

    1. Hi Hubert,

      Many thanks for that, I’ll incorporate it in a ‘point’ release today. There’s also a couple of other minor enhancements in there as well 🙂

      Glad you like the plugin, your input is much appreciated.


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