Tracking Cats in home assistant
A few months ago, my partner and I finally gave in to the relentless pressure from our children and added 2 kittens to our family. Say hello to Hamish and Hazel: They’re now 6 months old (and slightly bigger) and getting ready to venture into the outside world. So, of course, being the massive nerd […]
Depression Diaries
Following on my previous posts about SDAM & Aphantasia (and a visit to my GP to talk about depression) in October 2023 I started on a journey toward ADHD and ASD diagnoses. Recently I’ve started documenting this, in a youtube series I call ‘Depression Diaries’.The latest of these touches on SDAM again, earlier ones cover […]
Inner Monologue (or lack thereof)
SDAM & Aphantasia (or my life as an NPC)
This post is a little different than my usual tech nonsense. It’s an aggregation of a few posts I’ve made on various social media about the way my brain works. Specifically SDAM and Aphantasia and their impact on my life. This all started a few years ago when I read this post by mozilla co-founder […]
Auto power on 3d Printer
DIY Rack pt4
Adventures in smart lighting with node-red
Continuing with my habit of writing a flurry of posts before getting bored and not writing anything for a year….. welcome back! Since my last set of posts, among other things I’ve bought a house which means, obviously, I’m now spending a lot of time / effort on smart lighting and heating throughout the house […]
DIY Rack build pt3 – Software
The journey so far (pt1, pt2) has led us from geeky twinkle in my eye, to a load of servers sat in a very environmentally concious (if you ignore the power requirements) rack. Now is where things get serious, now we actually do something with all that silicon muscle. Brains. Whatever. I had some initial […]